Transform your massage experience with our new line of topical essential oil blends.

These essential oils have been studied for their benefits in promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and alleviating pain. When used in massage therapy, these essential oils are absorbed through the skin and inhaled through the nose, providing a powerful therapeutic effect on both the body and the mind.

By incorporating our topical essential oil blends into massage therapy sessions, clients can experience the benefits of aromatherapy alongside the physical benefits of massage. Our blends are specifically designed to enhance the massage experience, providing a deeper sense of relaxation and promoting overall well-being.

Experience the power of essential oils in your next massage therapy session with our new topical essential oil blends and let the healing properties of nature work their magic.

focus area TOPICAL: $10 - $25

Upgrade your massage experience with our specialized add-on options that target specific areas of the body for enhanced relief and relaxation.

Cryoderm Hot/Cold Pain Relief, Magnesium Muscle Tension Relief, CBD, and Muscle Mend Compress Hot/Cold. These specialized blends work in harmony with your massage therapy to provide targeted relief to sore and achy muscles.

Whether you prefer hot or cold therapy, our Cryoderm options can help soothe pain and inflammation, while our Magnesium blend can help alleviate tension and promote relaxation. For those seeking the benefits of CBD, our local topical can help reduce pain and inflammation, while our Muscle Mend Compress option offers a unique combination of hot or cold therapy and aromatherapy to aid in muscle recovery.

Add one of these targeted blends to your next massage session and experience the benefits of focused relief.

Tools - heatwave: $10

This innovative tool was designed by a massage therapist for intuitive, healing bodywork. It features a unique wave design that includes three deep valleys to cradle and soothe bodies into balance, two long flat sides for broad, ultra-warming sensations, and three big knobs and two blunt ends to work deeply where needed.

Crafted from durable solid ceramic, the HEAT-WAVE Synergy Stone provides the perfect synergy of sensations, with radiant hot-stone heat that soothes and heals, and the ability to deliver gentle to deep pressure for truly custom massage. The tool also allows for advanced techniques such as soothe, circle, rake and sculpt, making it ideal for relaxing and therapeutic massages.

Whether you're looking to soothe sore muscles, ease tension or simply melt into a deeper state of relaxation, the HEAT-WAVE Synergy Stone is the perfect addition to your massage session. Its ultra-smooth colors feel glossy and smooth over skin or clothes, while the natural-matte finish feels like melting butter and is perfect for skin only. Plus, it's larger than traditional hot stones and stays warm longer, providing you with a truly luxurious massage experience.